Thanksgiving & Gratitude

As we enter Autumn and the season of Thanksgiving, like many, I find it’s time to stop and feel thankful for all that I have. For those of you that cheer me on, those that support my business, those that put their trust in me, and those that just read my newsletter and know that I’m here when you’re ready – I am thankful for you.

Here are two articles that came across my news feed in recognition of gratitude and feeling thankful.

Unconventional Gratitude for Strange Times

Covid has created a strange time. An easy time. We seem to be moving forward in a very slow pace and perhaps feel that we should not be feeling any gratitude. But there’s always a little positive to celebrate.

How to Practice Gratitude All Year Long

Not much to be said here. By practicing gratitude daily, we change our mindset and help our mood and life!

“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”

Germany Kent

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. ~ Lisa
